Concept Note for LAB 2 MARKET ApplicationsApply now
Last date to apply: 31 Jan 2023 12:00 am IST
Program Details
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- Fellowship Program
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IITI DRISHTI CPS Foundation supports the technology development and commercialization endeavors of meritorious scholars at various levels of education including undergraduate (UG), masters (PG), and PhD. The CHANAKYA Fellowship Schemes were recently launched with this in mind. CHANAKYA stands for Comprehensive and Holistic Advancement of NAtional Knowledge Yield and Analytics. These fellowships aim to identify and support breakthrough ideas in the area of Cyber Physical Systems. Ideas having the potential to solve pressing and compelling problems faced by End Users (Industries, PSUs, Government organizations, Line ministries, Educational Institutes, City administration, and Society), using concepts of CPS are sought. Ideas having high potential for patenting and licensing, are especially encouraged. Specific application verticals and focus areas are as follows:
Cyber-Physical Social Systems: Blended Learning and Gamification, Smart City, Smart Farming, Smart Healthcare Systems, climate change and predictions
Cyber Physical Industrial Systems: Digitization in MSMEs, Industry 4.0/Smart manufacturing
Solution-oriented proposals incorporating technologies like (but not limited to) embedded systems, Artificial Intelligence (AI), system simulation using virtual, augmented, and mixed reality, data analytics, machine learning (ML), IoT, multi-physics modeling, Human Machine Interface (HMI) are desirable.
Students may choose from the available problem statements for End Users (Click here) and propose solutions for the same. However, it is not mandatory and students/faculty mentors may identify problems themselves and propose solutions.
In addition, PG/PhD proposals are expected to focus on utilizing System Simulation, Modelling and Visualizing for CPS design, development and implementation.
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Eligibility Criteria
<p>We are in search of CPS technologies where proof-of-concept has been established, and prototype is ready. Expected TRL level is 3 to 5. Prototype to be evaluated for (i) innovation, (ii) technical